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The start of a new year is always a good time to look back on the past and think about the future. Taking a moment to reflect can make us happy about all the good things in our lives, but it might also bring some sadness, especially for loved ones who aren't with us anymore. Regrets might sneak in, too. But as we move forward, we can learn from our mistakes and regrets. Maybe you need to spend more time with family and friends, who are the best gifts we have. Or maybe we should take better care of ourselves beyond just the usual promises to eat healthier or exercise more! I'm not really into making New Year's resolutions, but I do try to look back and learn from the past year.

Whatever awaits you, I wish you every blessing in the year ahead. For me, I shall continue to be grateful for my loved ones and cherish them even more. And of course, there will be books!

2025 will see the publication of two new books. The first, in May, is a sequel to The Dead Husband, so if you want to learn what happens to DI Samantha Freeman after the devastating end of The Dead Husband, you'll be able to find out in Little Black Lies!

A new stand-alone novel, The Winners, will be published in August. The clue is in the title - big winners or big losers? I can say no more!

So, thank you to those of you who read my blog and encouraged me in my writing over the past year, your comments and reviews make it all worthwhile.


My lovely publishers, Bloodhound Books have presented me with an exciting early Christmas present by selling the rights to my novel, The Victim, to a German publisher!

I'm delighted with the news and look forward to next year, 2025 to see my novel for sale in Germany.

Two Firsts

November presented two amazing new opportunities for me. The first was being the guest of Adrian and Rebecca from Hobeck Books on their podcast. Conversation flowed freely and this wonderful couple put me at ease and made my first experience of podcasting great fun.

Thank you both for your kind words - the link to listen is below.

'Every so often an interview will take a truly unexpected direction. That's the case this week as we speak to prolific author Gillian Jackson in her first ever podcast appearance. Gillian principally writes psychological fiction, which to some extent draws on her professional experiences as a therapeutic counsellor working with Victim Support. But as she reveals in this startling interview, she also draws on some difficult experiences of her own. He most recent novel, Ask Laura, marks a departure for Gillian into women's fiction, but all her work is imbued with humanity and empathy.'


Another first was being the after-dinner speaker at the Soroptimists Annual Literary Luncheon for the Darlington and Durham district Branch. This amazing group of ladies do some tremendous work, at home and abroad and it was a privilege and an honour to be their speaker.


Hi - and welcome to my blog page. I love to receive and engage with feedback from readers so if you've something to share - this is the place!

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